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If you have been diagnosed with GERD or any other digestive issue, there are several GERD diagnostic tests that your doctor can recommend, among them the barium swallow. A barium swallow test can diagnose several conditions, but we want to focus on how it can help diagnose GERD. This blog discusses what a barium swallow is, what happens during it and what to expect from a barium swallow.
Read MoreHiatal hernias are common in people over the age of 50. Hiatal hernias can be completely innocuous, but, in some cases, can pose a danger to your health. In this article we will discuss hiatal hernias and when they become dangerous.
Read MoreOne of the most common reflux questions we get is, 'Is LPR the same as GERD?' It’s a difficult question to answer, and it can be even more challenging to diagnose, as the symptoms for these two conditions are similar enough that they could easily be mistaken for each other. Let’s learn about the differences.
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