Best Snacks for Acid Reflux Sufferers

It’s mid-afternoon, and you’re bending over, cleaning around the house. Or, perhaps you’re sitting innocently at your desk at work when suddenly the burn starts to rise in your throat. It’s about time for a snack, but you’re dreading picking one because you’re worried it’ll make your heartburn worse. Don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered. In today’s blog, we’re going to cover some great snacks for acid reflux sufferers. Let’s get started.

What Snack Foods Are Good for Acid Reflux?

First and foremost, it is important for acid reflux sufferers to know what types of foods trigger reflux. What you eat can certainly impact how much fire you’ll be breathing later on! Here are some trigger-free ideas to answer your question: what can I eat when suffering from acid reflux?

Option 1: Fruits and Vegetables

Some of the best options are in this category, and they can be combined really easily with other categories. Bananas, melons, carrots, and cucumbers are all low-acidity, high water content fruits and vegetables that can give you a nice, satisfying crunch without triggering doom. 

Be careful what dips you choose to go with any veggies or fruits, though. Don’t ruin your reflux-safe snack time!

Option 2: Grains

Grains are great for reflux because they’re typically neutral in acidity – but they also absorb stomach liquid after you swallow them. They can be great for quelling an attack for this reason. You could try things like peanut butter toast, whole grain crackers and a light hummus, or even a small portion of oatmeal.

Option 3: Proteins

Plain, lean protein – while slightly boring – is also a really safe bet if you have acid reflux. Boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, grilled chicken on a salad with a very light dressing, and many other options are available to give you a little something to snack on.

Option 4: Dairy Alternatives

Not all reflux sufferers will struggle with dairy triggering their heartburn, but it’s best to just list alternatives for everyone. Stick to dips, dressings, and snacks made with dairy alternatives like almond milk, coconut yogurt, and more.

What Is the Most Soothing Food for Acid Reflux?

If we had to pick just one option for when you’re in the middle of an acid reflux attack, here it is:


Eating a banana can help lower your stomach’s acidity. Bananas are also really good at coating the esophagus and protecting it from reflux for a short time after consumption.

How Do I Know When I’m Struggling Needlessly?

If you’re constantly battling with reflux – think daily, from meal to meal – there’s something bigger going on. You don’t just have “occasional reflux.” Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a chronic condition that can be treated. And no, we won’t just push pills on you.

7 Signs It May Be Time to See a Reflux Specialist

You Don't Have to Live With Reflux: A Look at Your Options

Are You Ready to Put Reflux Behind You?

You don’t have to keep suffering, picking and choosing what you get to enjoy at meal or snack-time. Take a load off and contact our office to discuss your reflux surgery options today.

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