Managing Acid Reflux During Pregnancy

One of the most uncomfortable and inconvenient things that plague women during pregnancy is heartburn and acid reflux. Acid reflux is one of the least talked about issues women will face, and unfortunately one of the most common. Over half of pregnant women will experience acid reflux during pregnancy (most of them very frequently). Learn why and how the symptoms can be dealt with. 

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5 Things Your Reflux Is Making You Sacrifice

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffers from chronic acid reflux, you’ll understand that acid reflux isn’t just a small inconvenience. It’s a part of your everyday life, and it plays a strong role in determining what you can and cannot do. One of the worst things about having acid reflux is that it truly does become a factor in every decision you make throughout your day, whether it’s as simple as deciding what to get at a restaurant or determining your sleep routines.

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